
Found 34 results
I. H. Park, Park, B., and Lee, S. R., Analysis of long-term settlement of municipal solid waste landfills as determined by various settlement estimation methods, Journal of the Air & Waste Management AssociationJournal of the Air & Waste Management Association, vol. 57, pp. 243-251, 2007.
L. K. Ivanova, Richards, D. J., and Beaven, R. P., A challenge to landfill modellers: to predict the performance of a laboratory experiment on the biodegradation and settlement of MSW based on starting conditions and operational procedures, in 2nd International Workshop, Hydro-Physico-Mechanics of Wastes, Southampton, UK, 2007.
P. A. Miller and Clesceri, N. L., Discussion of "landfill settlement with decomposition and gas generation" by Ertan Durmusoglu, M. Yavuz Corapcioglu, and Kagan Tuncay, Journal of Environmental Engineering-AsceJournal Of Environmental Engineering-Asce, vol. 133, pp. 783-784, 2007.
J. McDougall, A hydro-bio-mechanical model for settlement and other behaviour in landfilled waste, Computers and GeotechnicsComputers and Geotechnics, vol. 34, pp. 229-246, 2007.
S. L. Machado, Carvalho, M. F., Morais, J. A., and Vilar, O. M., Modeling the settlement of municipal solid waste, HPM2 - Hydro-physico-mechanics of wastes. Waste Management Research Group, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK, 2007.
C. H. Hettiarachchi, Meegoda, J. N., Tavantzis, J., and Hettiaratchi, P., Numerical model to predict settlements coupled with landfill gas pressure in bioreactor landfills, Journal of Hazardous MaterialsJournal of hazardous materials, vol. 139, pp. 514-522, 2007.
H. I. Park, Park, B., Lee, S. R., and Hwang, D., Parameter evaluation and performance comparison of MSW settlement prediction models in various landfill types, Journal of Environmental Engineering-AsceJournal Of Environmental Engineering-Asce, vol. 133, pp. 64-72, 2007.
L. Ivanova, Quantification of factors affecting rate and magnitude of secondary settlement in landfills , Universtiy of Southampton, Southampton, 2007.
E. Durmusoglu, Corapcioglu, M. Y., and Tuncay, K., Landfill settlement with decomposition and gas generation, Journal of Environmental Engineering-AsceJournal Of Environmental Engineering-Asce, vol. 131, pp. 1311-1321, 2005.
H. I. Park and Lee, S. R., Long-term settlement behaviour of MSW landfills with various fill ages, Waste Management & ResearchWaste Management & Research, vol. 20, pp. 259-268, 2002.
M. El-Fadel and Khoury, R., Modeling settlement in MSW landfills: a critical review, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and TechnologyCritical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 30, pp. 327-361, 2000.
M. El-Fadel, Shazbak, S., Saliby, E., and Leckie, J., Comparative assessment of settlement models for municipal solid waste landfill applications, Waste Management & Research, vol. 17, pp. 347-368, 1999.
M. El-Fadel, Leachate recirculation effects on settlement and biodegradation rates in MSW landfills, Environmental TechnologyEnvironmental Technology, vol. 20, pp. 121-133, 1999.
K. S. Watts and Charles, J. A., Settlement characteristics of landfill wastes, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Geotechnical EngineeringPROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 137, pp. 225-233, 1999.
H. I. Ling, Leshchinsky, D., Mohri, Y., and Kawabata, T., Estimation of municipal solid waste landfill settlement, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Journal Of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering, vol. 124, pp. 21-28, 1998.
D. E. Bleiker, Farquhar, G., and McBean, E., Landfill settlement and the impact on site capacity and refuse hydraulic conductivity, Waste Management & ResearchWaste Management & Research, vol. 13, pp. 533-554, 1995.
D. K. Wall and Zeiss, C., Municipal landfill biodegradation and settlement, Journal Of Environmental Engineering-AsceJournal Of Environmental Engineering-Asce, vol. 121, pp. 214-224, 1995.
various, section on settlement problems, Proc' of Sardinia 95 Fifth international landfill symposium. 2-6 Oct, S. Margherita di Pula - Cagliari, Italy. CISA.Proc' of Sardinia 95 Fifth international landfill symposium. 2-6 Oct, S. Margherita di Pula - Cagliari, Italy. CISA., vol. II, pp. 823-860, 1995.
S. Wallis, Factors affecting Settlement at Landfill Sites, The Planning and Engineering of Landfills (Preprints). Birmingham, pp. 213-221, 1991.
T. B. Edil, Ranguette, V. J., and Wuellner, W. W., Settlement of Municipal Refuse, in Geotechnics of Waste Fills, , Ed. Baltimore: ASTM Special Technical Publication; 1070, 1990.
