
Found 34 results
K. S. Watts and Charles, J. A., Settlement of recently placed domestic refuse landfill, Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, Part 1Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs, Part 1, vol. 88, pp. 971-993, 1990.
R. E. Zimmerman, Chen, W. W. H., and Franklin, A. G., Mathematical Model for Solid Waste Settlement, Proceedings of the Conference on Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of solid waste materials. University of Michigan, pp. 210-226, 1977.
S. K. Rao, Moulton, L. K., and Seals, R. K., Settlement of refuse Landfills, Proceedings of the Conference on Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of solid waste materials. University of Michigan, pp. 574-598, 1977.
W. W. H. Chen, Zimmerman, R. E., and Franklin, A. G., Time Settlement characteristics of milled Urban Refuse, Proceedings of the Conference on Geotechnical Practice for Disposal of solid waste materials. University of Michigan, pp. 136-152, 1977.
B. C. Yen and Scanlon, B., Sanitary Landfill Settlement Rates, Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering DivisionJournal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, vol. Vol. 101 No. 5, pp. 475-487, 1975.
I. K. Lee and Valliappan, S., Analysis of soil settlement, in Soil Mechanics - New Horizons 158-204, I. K. Lee, Ed. New York: Am. Elsevier Pub. Co., 1974.
G. F. Sowers, Settlement of Waste Disposal Fills, 8th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Moscow, pp. 207-210, 1973.
A. Bjamgard and Edgers, L., Settlement of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills, 13th Annual Madison Waste Conference. University of Wisconsin-Madison, pp. 192-205.
